Power Star Pawan Kalyan and director Trivikram Srinivas are very good friends in the film industry. Both of them teamed up for the films like Jalsa and Attarintiki Daredi. Since then, the combination is largely talked, and audiences are waiting for a movie from them. The talks were going on, and if everything goes as planned, they might team up soon. Earlier, a film Kobali was planned by both, but it looks like it will not happen now. Apparently, the buzz from the film industry reveals us that Pawan wanted Trivikram to direct a story penned by himself.
Pawan Kalyan has already prepared an interesting subject, and he feels that no one except Trivikram can do justice for it. If everything goes well, after a film in Dolly direction, we might expect Trivikram to direct a story penned by Pawan Kalyan.