Bold and beautiful actress Radhika Apte, who was recently seen as the wife of superstar Rajinikanth in ‘Kabali’, has reportedly been roped in to romance Rajini’s son-in-law and noted Tamil actor Dhanush.
Radhika made her Kollywood debut with Prakash Raj’s ‘Dhoni’. Later, she acted in Tamil films ‘All in All Azaguraja’ and ‘Vetri Selvan’. As all the films tanked at the box office, her efforts in Kollywood brought no fruitful result. Then Pa Ranjith provided her the offer of pairing up with Rajini in ‘Kabali’. Post the success of ‘Kabali’, Radhika is again in demand.
Latest reports suggest that Radhika has been signed for a new film to star and produced by Dhanush. It is not yet clear if she will romance Dhanush or play a key role in the film. More details are awaited.