Nandamuri Balakrishna and the team of ‘Gauthamiputra Sathakarni’, who are making strenuous efforts to bring the historical film into theaters at any cost for Sankranthi, have received a rude shock from film’s composer Devi Sri Prasad.
As per the inside talk, Devi Sri has not yet recorded a single song for the film. As he is busy with multiple Telugu and Tamil projects including ‘Janatha Garage’ and Megastar’s 150th film, he continued to postpone the work of GPS. Film’s director Krish is heard to have requested Devi to compose the songs at the earliest so that they can finish the shoot on time.
But, as Devi asked for more time, Krish is heard to have decided to sideline him and rope in another musician. Balayya is heard to have very angry about this whole nuisance created by Devi which can hamper the film’s release for Sankranthi. Director Krish is trying to rope in maestro Ilayaraja or Keeravani for Gauthamiputra Satakarna.