The latest buzz from the film nagar reveals that Parasuram who recently scored a hit with Srirasthu Subhamasthu is going to make another film in Geetha Arts banner. Srirasthu Subhamasthu was made on Geetha Arts banner. Apparently, Allu Aravind was happy with the working style of Prasuram and immediately offered him the second film. Parasuram has already completed the script for his next film, and the producers are in discussions to rope in a hero for the film.
If the buzz is believed to be true, Sharwanand might be roped in for Parasuram’s next film which is to be bankrolled by Allu Aravind on Geetha Arts banner. Sharwanand is on a roll now. He has a movie in B V S N Prasad production, and he is acting in Shatamanam Bhavathi produced by Dil Raju.