In a startling statement, Telangana TDP leaders belonging to Reddy community said CM KCR has been treating Reddy community as his rivals in Telangana.TDP telangana unit President A Revanth Reddy and Uma Madhava Reddy alleged that KCR targeted Reddy leaders fearing they are threat to his political career in future.
KCR conspired and foisting cases against Reddy leaders and blackmailed them. further, some leaders were also threatened to join TRS.Uma Madhava Reddy said since Reddy’s are influential and dominating in politics, KCR is trying hard to weaken the community.
Revanth warned that the TDP will not sit calm if Uma Madhava Reddy is harassed in connection with gangster Nayeem land grabbing cases. He asked the government to make public all evidences possessed by police in nayeem case.