Yesterday, Jr.Ntr’s upcoming film ‘Janatha Garage’ Audio Launch was held Grandly in Hyderabad. Especially, his speech has become the talk of the town now.As usual Jr.Ntr started his speech by taking Blessing from his Grandfather, Sr.Ntr. Continuing his speech, he shared his experience with the film and Thanked everyone who worked for the movie. Followed by, Requesting the Two States Telugu people to take care of Pilgrims who are going to visit for Pushkaralu.
Finally, he concluded advising his fans to stop false practices like sprinkling milk on his Cutouts and killing innocent animals in the name of oblation; rather he suggested to help the poor by serving them some food which gives him more happy in doing such kind of things than those false practices.
Everyone are applauding Jr.Ntr’s well-matured speech. While, his fans are overjoyed with Both the trailer and his speech. Interim, the film is slated for release on September 2nd. Finally, let’s hope Jr.Ntr’s search for Light will be available in a form of ‘Janatha Garage’ and remain as much need hit after Pushkaram (12years).