Couple of days ago rumors were waving in filmnagar that Sridevi will be part of S.S. Rajamouli’s ‘Bahubali’. But close associates of ‘Bahubali’ team have turned down this rumor and clarified that Sridevi is not part of this project. Prabhas and Rana will be seen as siblings and their mother role has prominence in this film. But the team hasn’t approached Sridevi or anyone for this role. So all this speculations are not true and they are still in search of artist for this role.
Meanwhile Kollywood actor Sathyaraj has been roped for a vital role in this film and also he is undergoing a training session in horse riding and sword fighting for his role. Prabhas, Anushka and Rana will be seen in lead roles. ‘Arka Media’ banner is producing this period drama film.