Although all the unit members and makers of ‘Baahubali 2’ are regularly sharing the details of the epic film, Deva Sena aka Anushka is keeping stoic silent about the project.Sources from the film unit revealed that film’s director Rajamouli SS expressed his anger on Anushka in front of everyone on the sets. Anushka was said to be deeply hurt with the embarrassment, so she is emotionally disconnected with the project and just attending the shoot to finish her part.
There have been several stories in circulation alleging that Rajamouli was not happy with Anushka’s physique. After putting on around 20kg for ‘Size Zero’, Anushka is yet to get back into shape. Because of the delay created by her, shooting dates of others are also getting wasted feels Rajamouli. And, he had, in an angry tone, expressed this to Anushka in front of everyone.
Poor lady’s dedication is at stake now.