Actress Pragya Jaiswal, who made scintillating debut with acclaimed film ‘Kanche’, has got the chance to romance another mega hero. She is romancing with Sai Dharam Tej, and they will get married on screen for the movie Nakshatram. Actress Pragya Jaiswal will be seen as a wife of Sai Dharam Tej in Nakshatram.
Creative director Krishna Vamsi, who is currently making a film titled ‘Nakshatram’ starring Sundeep Kishan and Regina Cassandra, has roped in Pragya to essay a pivotal role. We have already reported that mega hero Sai Dharam Tej will be seen in a crucial role, playing a police officer, in this film.
Pragya will be seen as Sai Dharam’s wife. She will also be essaying a police officer character. In ‘Nakshatram’, Pragya’s role will of badass we hear. She will also have two action scenes and in one of them, she will fight film’s hero Sundeep Kishan.This is Pragya’s second pairing with a mega hero after she romanced Varun Tej in ‘Kanche’.