Sensual beauty Kajal Aggarwal, who had joined Twitter bandwagon before the release of ‘Brahmotsavam’, has been quite active on the social platform since then. However, her recent act of posting pics from her new film has angered the film’s director and it was followed by a serious warning.
After a lot of deliberation and discussions, Kajal was signed as lead heroine opposite Ajith Kumar in his 57th film. Directed by Siva, the film’s shooting is currently progressing in Europe. Kajal, who took part in the film’s first schedule, has revealed key details of the film by posting the pics from the sets on her twitter page.
Film’s director Siva, who has been planning to keep even the minute details of the film under wraps, was said to be extremely disappointed with Kajal’s overenthusiastic act. He is heard to have warned her not to repeat such mistake and not reveal the details of the film anywhere. Poor Kajal had to face the ire of her director for sharing her excitement with fans.Kamal Haasan’s younger daughter Akshara Haasan, who has been roped in to play another crucial role, has been alerted in advance after Kajal’s hasty act.