Chiranjeevi’s family members are dong special pooja at various temples as the first look of 150th movie will be unveiled on 22nd August. Now, Upasana Konidela on Thursday visited Raghavendra Swamy temple in Mantralayam, Kurnool district and offered special puja at the temple. The temple PRO-IP Narsimha Murthy received her and made arrangements for a hassle free darshan. Upasana also visited goddess Manchalamma and Raghavendra Swamy Brundavanam and took blessings from Peetadhipathi Sri Subudhendra Teertha Swamiji.
Upasana is currently looking after the production activities of Chiru 150 in the absence of Ram Charan as he is busy with Dhruva shoots. Upasana at the same time is also busy with her Appolo Hospital works. Chiranjeevi is kicked about the response he might get for the first look.