Pawan Kalyan is right now working under Dolly direction. The movie went on floors two weeks back and Pawan joined the sets last week. Now his son has also made his debut. But it is not in Telugu movie, it is in Marathi movie titled ‘Ishq Wala Love’.
Pawan Kalyan’s ex-wife and actress Renu Desai shaped and funded the project. The movie already got released in 2014. The entire movie is filled with debutante actors. Pawan Kalyan’s son Akira Nandan did a cameo role. The movie already was dubbed in Telugu, but it never got released in theaters due to some unknown reasons.
Now for the first time, the movie is going to be premiered on Television. ETV has confirmed the release of ‘Ishq Wala Love’ on September 2nd. Renu Desai herself has shared this good news on her social media page.
Finally Akira is gearing up to make his debut on small screen. Fans are also eager to watch Little Power Star on screen.