Stylish Star Allu Arjun was conferred with Pravasa Ratna Puraskaram (PRP). The actor received the award in Dubai by Malayalees for his work and contribution. By receiving the award, Allu Arjun has rung a new record in Tollywood – first Telugu star of present generation to receive an award for work in the neighbouring film industry.
It’s common knowledge by now that many of Bunny’s films, which were dubbed into Malayalam, have done fairly well at the Mollywood Box Office.
In fact, Allu Arjun has earned a sobriquet of “Mallu” Arjun and many of local Malayalam stars would rethink of having Box Office clash with Allu Arjun and think twice to release their own films if Arjun’s films are slated for release in same period. Such is Bunny’s popularity.
Let’s hope this would widen the market of all Telugu stars in days to come as well.