Vikram Chaitanya, who was working as assistant director in Telugu film industry, was died on Monday and mystery has shrouded his untimely demise. Vikram was working as an assistant under top director Sukumar and worked for films like NTR’s Nannaku Prematho and Mahesh Babu’s One-Nenokkadine.
While there are no exact information on what’s the reason behind his sudden death, reports have it that he was fallen from a top building. While few suspect its a suicide, few others suspect it could be an accident. Apparently, the incident happened on Sunday late night.
The sudden passing away of young and aspiring filmmaker has spelled grief among his friends, family, relatives and the his contacts in film fraternity.
Vikram recently celebrated his birthday this month (Aug 8) along with director Sukumar. Vikram was also acted in a small role as a traffic constable in the short film “I Am That Change” starring Allu Arjun which was directed by Sukumar himself. Vikram was also credited for Additional Dialogues & Additional Screenplay for Nannaku Prematho. Vikram also worked for Kumari 21F which was a blockbuster.