The other day Pawan Kalyan’s Attarintiki Daredi suffered from movie leakage via piracy channels. And today, Young tiger’s ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ is giving jitters with some story leakage news. Here comes the rumour that is in circulation about the Dasara treat.
A story is doing rounds in Film Nagar about the screen-story of Jr NTR’s latest movie ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’. What impresses many is that Junior will be playing the role of a honest undercover cop in the flick, as per that story. The buzz adds that our hero is actually playing double role in the movie with one being a mass-star while other one is that of a cop. With two heroines around, this story of double-action sounds little believable. Also it is added that Shruti Haasan is playing a negative role and Samantha plays a positive role. But we have to see how far this story will be correct.
Ramayya Vastavayya is being directed by Harish Shankar who is getting ready with a big punch after the super success of Gabbar Singh. So, let us see what is there in store for us once the movie hits screens on October 10th.