Actor-politician Pawan Kalyan, who is juggling with both films, politics, has started new year 2017 with a bang. The actor, who recently returned to Hyderabad from the shoot of Katamarayudu in Pollachi, is going on a tour for a noble cause.
This is under the umbrella of his political outfit Jana Sena Party. Pawan is going to reach Visakhapatnam on Monday (Jan 2) evening. He will wake up in the wee hours and head to Ichchapuram of Srikakulam district on Jan 3rd, Tuesday morning.
Pawan will be interacting with the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients in Ichchapuram and address a meeting followed by a road show.
Also known as “Uddanam Nephropathy”, Pawan will meet the people affected with the disease. Pawan stated that 20,000 plus people – from newborns to old age had died of CKD in the last two decades.
Pawan lamented that “Successive Govts and honourable legislative members of the last two decades could not address this issue effectively”.
People from six mandals around Udhanam area will gather in Manikanta Max cinema theater at Ichapuram town