But Chiru is neglecting new mega hero Rahul Venkat who is debuting with Alias Janaki movie today. Chiru attended at least any one of the occasions for all the films connected to new Mega heroes. For Allu Sirish, he arranged a special press meet and introduced him to media and for Sai Dharam Tej movies Chiru graced when his films shoot started.
But, for Venkat Rahul neither he came to any of the event nor supporting him anyway. Only, Naga Babu attended film’s launch and audio release functions. Except for him, Venkat doesn’t have a moral hold up of any other persons from Mega camp. Reason for this strange act is better known to Chiru and mega camp, hope Chiru come out to support Rahul bcoz even morning show reports of Alias Janaki is heard negatively all over.