Ever since we broke the news of Anupama denied role in Ram Charan-Sukumar film, the news spread like wildfire in film circuits. Although actors or actresses being replaced after initial confirmation is not something new and happens regularly, few media houses have blown it out of proportion.
As it’s widely reported that Anupama was sacked from Ram Charan-Sukumar film, she has retorted with a strong reply to her detractors.
“As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better,” Anupama posted a quote on her Twitter page.
Though she hasn’t directly talked about being ousted from Ram Charan-Sukumar film, it’s evident that she posted the above message soon after the news of her removal from the movie broke out.
However, many of Charan fans weren’t happy with Anupama’s post as she said she’d get “something better” than “good”.