Ram Charan’s next film with director Sukumar has been in news for the past few days. As Anupama Parameswaran, who was the initial choice to pair up with Charan, exited from the project, naturally all eyes are on who’s going to be the lead lady of Charan-Sukumar film.
The latest we hear is that Samantha would be the choice. Already the team is engaged in talks with Sam and mostly Sam would be roped in for the role.
Although Rakul’s name was also there among the choices, but her name is dropped as she was the heroine in Charan’s last two films – Bruce Lee, Dhruva. Since Charan doesn’t want it to be a back-to-back combination and done two films with her in a row, he wanted to have another top heroine. Also rumours of Ram Charan’s alleged closeness with Rakul are also behind dropping Rakul’s name.
Even Kajal is perfect choice, but now that she just did film with Chiranjeevi in Khaidi No.150, Charan is suspicious that how fans, audiences look at it.
So, going by all these permutations and combinations, it’s learnt that Charan has voted for Samantha. An official confirmation regarding the same is awaited shortly.
Meanwhile, the yet-to-be-titled film will have a mega launch on Jan 30th which will see Mega Star Chiranjeevi as the chief guest. Stay tuned to Gulte for more updates.