Pawan Kalyan on Tuesday spoke to media after meeting handloom weavers. And, the actor turned politician answered to a few interesting questions during the press meet.
Below are the excerpts from Pawan’s media meet:
* I am not just a brand ambassador for handloom weavers but on behalf of Jana Sena, I will take their issues to the notice of the state govts.
* I will attend the ‘Chenetha Satyagraham’ event to be held on Feb 20 in Amaravati. After taking the inputs from the experienced people, I will make sure to incorporate the actions that Jana Sena will be taking for them in our party’s manifesto.
* I have discussed the issues of handloom weavers with both the state governments and they have expressed their limitations. A thorough study is needed and I will talk more about this after the event in Amaravati.
Answering the questions on the political turmoil in Andhra Pradesh, Pawan said that BJP leaders were citing convenient and misguiding reasons to defend their manipulation on Special Status. ‘People are getting impatient and the future will not be as peaceful as it is now,’ Pawan said.
* ‘At least I am responding on twitter but the AP MPs are not doing anything even though they have the power to sit in the Parliament. None questioned my experience when I supported them during elections and now they are raising finger when I started questioning them,’ said Pawan targeting TDP leaders.
* I did not raise the issue of the domination of North over South Indians to incite regional movement but only to highlight the various incidents where the sentiments of South people were disrespected.
When asked if he would work in alliance with CPI or YCP, Pawan said that he didn’t have personal rivalry with any party and that he was ready to work with any political party having the single agenda of achieving the Special Status.