The alleged abduction and molestation of Malayalam actress Bhavana has been the talking point. Responding on the shocking incident where the Mahatma heroine was physically abused in a moving car by her former driver, Rakul Preet said, “My parents have always worried about my safety whenever I travel or shoot. But I often discard their “cautions” and tell them that they don’t know. I was very confident about my safety as I’m surrounded by my driver, my staff whenever I go out. But the incident of Bhavana has shocked me. It felt me scared and realised no one is safe.”
Rakul Preet further added that there’s no point in celebrating women’s day, mother’s day as long as men don’t respect women around them. She demanded that the guilty should be given serious punishment so that no one would resort to such acts again.
Rakul, who herself is a fitness freak and running a gym, says women need to be self-defensive. If she comes across such terrible situation, Rakul says she would punch the goons. “I don’t think. I’ll beat them up,” said Rakul.