Ever since the trailer of upcoming Bollywood film ‘Rangoon’ was released, people had one doubt, whether Kangana Ranaut really went nude for love making scenes or she was shown nude using camera tricks and dupe?
There have been several discussions on Kangana’s nudity in Rangoon. While some believed that being an audacious actress, Kangana might have really acted nude and others said that a dupe must have been used for the particular lovemaking scenes.
Why dwell upon these discussions when we can get an unfiltered answer from the no-holds-barred Kangana herself? When the ‘Queen’ actress was asked about the same during a recent interview, she confessed that no dupe was used and she herself volunteered to go nude.
‘What is the necessity of using a dupe when i was willing to go nude?’ asked the bold actress. ‘Neither a camera trick nor a dupe was used for those scenes. I have no qualms in stripping off my clothes if the scene demands,’ added the ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ actress hinting that she would do it again in case of script requirement.
Rangoon is slated to hit screens on Feb 24.