Well, no doubt, the purported Suchi leaks – revealing the scandal photos, videos allegedly of celebrities on Twitter platform – has been sending shockwaves across Tamil and Telugu film industries and giving a sleepless nights to many celebrities. As the hacked twitter account of RJ-turned-singer Suchitra Karthik said to be targeting a particular group in Kollywood like Dhanush, Anirudh, Hansika, Andrea, Trisha, Amala Paul and a few others associated with them, this is now triggering panic among the actors and their fan clubs.
However, analysts feel that this may trouble the actors, celebs to the core at the moment, they opine there could be another possibility to the whole episode. Since the controversy surrounding Suchi Leaks is blown out of proportion than any other controversy, this has brought them into limelight once again albeit for wrong reason. Irrespective of the reason, the fact that the heroines became talking point among public and garnering attention from people, producers, directors might evince to cash in on their latest publicity, craze among people.
Amala Paul, Hansika, Trisha are the actresses who are apparently on the verge of their careers and looking for a boost. While Amala is hoping to make a mark in what could be her second innings – post her marriage and divorce with director AL Vijay, Hansika has no major offers in her hand and she has lost her previous charm and hoping for a magic. Even Trisha too not happening much right now compared to her previous track record. All these actresses are waiting to bounce back.
In a way, controversies are also very much needed and help a lot opine a few top PR and marketing analysts. It has to be seen how far this fresh controversy of Suchi Leaks would now boost the prospects of Amala, Hansika and Trisha. Let’s wait and see. After all, it all depends on how these actresses use this to their advantage also matters.