After the fatal killing of Indian engineer Srinivas Kuchibhotla in the US a fortnight back, the Indian community is reasonably terrified. And now, a disturbing video has surfaced on a website which looks to be harnessing hatred against Indians.
A post on the website titled ‘Welcome to Columbus Ohio suburbs – Lets take a walk to Indian park’ features Indian families hanging out in a public park in suburban Ohio. The description of the video reads how wealthy Indian families have moved in to suburban Ohio as “displacement of Americans has occurred”.
In the video, camera pans over Indian families playing in the park, as he narrates:
“The number of people from foreign countries blows my mind out here. You see this whole area is all Indian, amazing. It’s an amazing number of jobs have been taken away from Americans. The Indian crowd has ravished the Midwest. It’s a takeover.”
The website is reportedly maintained by Steve Pushor, a 66-year-old computer programmer from Virginia. Pushor sarcastically describes the park as “mini Mumbai”. He posted this video in August.
“What we’re trying to point out is people in Ohio, IT workers and other professional people have lost their jobs to foreign guest workers,” Pushor reportedly said.
After coming across the video and website, an Indian-American IT professional said, “To think that there could be some weirdo filming my cousin’s kids as they’re playing at the park, and possibly fomenting resentment towards them, is just disturbing.”
“This guy’s video is so horrific and creepy,” said another worried Indian.
A screen grab from the website refers Indian IT companies as the ‘Indian IT Mafia’ and also one of the “public enemies” of American IT professionals.
“The Indian IT Mafia Mega firms have greatly harmed the American Information Technology Workforce for decades. Their notorious practices and collaborations with greedy US Corporations have resulted in USA IT professionals training their H-1B or L-1 Indian replacements in order to receive severance pay. This is outrageous,” a snippet on the website reads.
Experts say that websites like these are provoking hate crimes against Indians in the US. Video#sthash.q2tfYnXM.dpuf