The Indian-originated English actor Dev Patel has been recently in the news after his film ‘Lion’ was nominated for Academy awards in ‘Best Film’ category. Although the film didn’t emerge out victorious, it apparently received huge critical acclaim from national and international film critics.
The 26-year old Dev is yet again making news, as the pictures of actor kissing his new girl friend Tilda Cobhan-Hervey are making big waves on social media. Tilda is an American-Australian actress who is reportedly dating Dev. The couple looked completely consumed with one another, by holding hands and warm hugs.
They were seen going out on a romantic boat ride and in the pictures, Dev was seen sharing a heartfelt kiss with the 23-year old Tilda. Looks like the Slumdog Millionaire lead star, who’s in relationship with Frieda Pinto for last six years, wants the world to know about his new love affair.
On the acting front, Dev Patel will next be seen in an Australian-American thriller film Hotel Mumbai, which is currently undergoing post production works. The film is based on popular documentary Surviving Mumbai, which is about the Mumbai attacks in 2008.