In a historic moment, Amaravati has regained the power after a long gap of two millennia. The new capital of Andhra Pradesh, which has a rich heritage, great history, has reattained the power of ‘legislation’ after 2200 years. March 6, 2017 has created this history as the new Legislative Assembly started its operations in Velagapudi village of Amaravati. With this, Amaravati could now make its own rules, regulations on its own soil.
As per the records, the first ever recorded legislation made on ancient Amaravati dates back to 2nd Century BCE (Before Common Era). And it’s reported that no major law was made from Amaravati after the defeat of the ‘Telugu kings’ Satavahanas in the 3rd century CE (Common Era). And on Monday (Mar 6) at 11.06 AM, the history was repeated as AP State Legislative Assembly began its operations.
Although Andhra state was formed after bifurcation of Madras Presidency in 1953 on October 1st, the capital was located in Kurnool of Rayalaseema. Three years later, it was merged with Hyderabad state to form Andhra Pradesh with Hyderabad as the capital in 1956 on 1st November. But the state was divided in June 2014 and two states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana were formed separately.
After Satavahanas were defeated, all legislations governing the political, social, cultural and economic aspects of the Andhras were made outside the Andhra land. It’s said that as many as 20 kings, rulers, and dynasties governed over the Andhra region after the Satavahanas. But in all these cases, either their capital was located outside the Andhra territory or they did not have the powers to make their own legislative orders.
AP CM Chandrababu Naidu-led TDP government created this history after 2200 years of long gap as AP could now make its own lands from its own soil of Amaravati.