There have been lot of speculations in media that everything is not fine between mega brothers Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan. However, in Attarintiki Daredi Thanks meeting, Pawan Kalyan has mentioned his ‘Annayya’s name more than twice. He said that after his parents and Anna-Vadina, fans are everything for him. While speaking about the bond he has with his co actors, Pawan Kalyan told that he knows MS Narayana from very long.
“Trivikram worked on AD script for three years. He developed the story for three years and made what it is today. This film is very close to my heart. I have been waiting for such script from many years. Finally Trivikram came up with this script and we knew that this film is going to be a big hit. We had positive feeling about the film and always felt that we are making a very good movie in the under production stage itself,” Pawan said.