It has been quite a busy day for actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan who had a brief meeting with Telangana CPI leader Tammineni Veerabhadram over his support to fight against the shifting of Dharna Chowk and in the evening, he met a group of engineering students from Telangana who wanted him to represent their problems in front of state government.
After his lineup of meetings, Pawan spoke with media at his home and here’s we bringing few highlights, clarifications, funny titbits and counters from what he spoke on various issues:
1. The main agenda of the meeting was to present the ground problems being faced by Engineering graduate students who approached him to be their face. Quickly after that, Pawan spoke on his meeting with CPI leader of Telangana and offered support to all unions and organisations fighting against govt’s idea of relocating ‘Dharna Chowk’ near Indira part to city outskirts.
2. Answering whether he would support communist parties in coming polls, Pawan replied ‘I’m not against or pro any political party; I’m only pro-people and will always continue to stand by them to highlight their problems to government.’
3. When media folks quizzed whether the ongoing speculation that the car used by Nishit Narayana when he met with fatal accident belongs to Kalyan, he said – ‘I used a similar car in the past. Since I couldn’t pay monthly instalments, I had to sell it off.’
4. He countered union civil aviation minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju, who said ‘I don’t know who Pawan Kalyan is’, in his own style. Kalyan said, ‘he may not know me, but I know him very well,’ which left the press reporters in splits.
5. While clarifying the controversial tweet over appointment of North Indian officer as EO-Tirupathi, the Jana Sena founder claimed ‘I had respect for North and Hindi and always attempted to portray through my films. Through the tweet, I was only seeking the equal opportunities for Southern people too. My intention behind it is letting them know that they should not treat us (South Indians) as second-grade citizens.’ Finally he claimed ‘Nobody can question my national integrity.’