Superstar Mahesh Babu’s last release ‘Brahmotsavam’ remains a black spot in the actor’s career. Mahesh wanted to erase those terrible memories inflicted by that family drama by releasing his next film within six months. Well, its one year since the release of Brahmotsavam and there is still no clarity on when Mahesh’s next film ‘SPYder’ will release. It is heard that Mahesh is quite disappointed with the delay of Murugadoss.
SPYder was expected to hit screens in April if not for Sankranthi this year. But, as Murugadoss continued to shoot and allegedly reshoot, the number of working days kept increasing. The film’s release was pushed from April to June and then from June to August/September. If the latest buzz in film circles is anything to go by, SPYder’s final copy may not be ready even by the end of September. After watching Baahubali 2, Murugadoss has reportedly decided to deploy high quality visual effects in his film too and it is one major reason for the film’s delay.
Since makers of SPYder are panning to release the film in Hindi besides Telugu and Tamil, they need a solid date in all the three film industries, which is highly difficult task. As there is no clarity on when the final copy would be ready, makers are mulling over the release date. Moreover, SPYder will not get a solo release date in or after September as a slew of biggies are lined up for release.Amidst huge pressure from fans, Mahesh is reportedly showing his disappointment over the snail-paced proceedings on the sets. Fans hope that the uneasy atmosphere between the hero and director does not affect the film’s final output.