After a long hiatus, Taapsee is back in Telugu with an upcoming horror comedy Anando Brahma. The Punjabi kudi who started her career in Telugu seven years ago has gone places and did films such as Pink and Shabana. However, in her base Telugu, she is yet to score a success.
As she is returning to where she started her career, Tapasee openly says, “I want one hit in Telugu now. Yes, my previous films have bombed. I need a hit to turn the tables.” She quickly adds that her coming film Anando Brahma would be successful and she says she needs luck.
Admitting that her role in the film is not performance oriented, she says it is normal happy-go-lucky role but says it’s worth to watch. Taapsee also says, “Many asked me whether it is a heroine-centric film. No, it is not. It is a story oriented film.” The film has ensemble cast including Vennela Kishore, Srinivasa Reddy, Shakalaka Shankar and others.
Although she did a handful of Telugu films, none of them have worked at the marquee. At one point, Taapsee was jinxed. But however, she proved her mettle in Hindi and now hoping to score success in Telugu. Directed by Mahi V Raghav whose last film was Patashala, Anando Brahma is tipped to be a comedy horror.