Beautiful actress Rakul Preet Singh, who is basking in rave reviews for delivering her career best performance in ‘Ra Randoi Veduka Chooddam’ has rated the Telugu film industry as one of the best places to work.
Rakul said that she is fortunate to have been received warmly by Telugu fraternity from day one. ‘I made my debut in Tollywood with Keratam in 2011. Later, I took a two-year gap as I was unsure of whether I wanted to continue as an actress. Then, out of nowhere, Venkatadri Express (2013) happened and my career took a drastic turn with filmmakers offering me one film after another,’ Rakul reminisced.
‘I am glad and feel blessed that I stayed in Tollywood, which is one of the finest industries to work. People here taught me their language, made me better and offered me opportunities to bring the best out of me,’ she added.
Rakul has already bought a sprawling bungalow in Hyderabad and set up a gym franchise in the Telugu states. She often calls Hyderabad as her new home and that she plans to settle here only.