Legendary Telugu filmmaker Dasari Narayana rao’s health condition has once again become critical. He is currently undergoing treatment at KIMS hospital in Hyderabad and his condition is said to be very critical.
In the recent past, he has spent around a month in KIMS hospital and got discharged after a prolonged treatment. On 4 May, he celebrated his 75th birthday grandly.
As per reports, after his condition got serious once again, he was admitted to the KIMS hospital last week and a surgery was performed three days ago. In the past, he underwent Gastric Balloon surgery.
With several organs in his body getting infected as a result of surgeries, doctors are waiting for his response to dialysis to release a health bulletin. Since dialysis is a slow process, we can expect a health bulletin by today midnight. Doctors also observed significant spikes in his BP levels since this morning. We however need to wait until an official health bulletin comes out from the hospital.
Meanwhile, pray the God to send Dasari back from hospital all hale and healthy.