Director Kranthi Madhav won critical acclaim with his two movies “Onamalu” and “Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju” as both films were different from the regular stuff and they had solid storylines.
When the news came that Kranthi Madhav is directing Sunil, everyone expected that Sunil would finally get a good movie to boast of.
But the recently released theatrical trailer of “Ungarala Rambabu” is full of formulaic comedy bits and dialogues.
It sees that the director has succumbed to ‘commercial moviemaking” pressures. Apparently he has gone Sunil’s fold rather than bringing Sunil into his style.
The first song and the trailer give us enough indications that “Ungarala Rambabu” is another regular Sunil kind of comedies.
It is unfortunate to see a director known for good sensibilities has also been spoiled by market demands.