Top actress Priyanka Chopra, who is making waves in Hollywood despite her debut film ‘Baywatch’ flopped miserably, has now embroiled in a fresh controversy. She is being brutally trolled on social media for an alleged nose job.
The ‘Baywatch’ babe has uploaded a selfie of hers on social media, and it sparked a hate wave from netizens. While some called her ‘Ugly’, a few others trolled her for undergoing the knife and ruining her gorgeous face. Priyanka, who is known for giving sassy responses to trolls on social media, is yet to respond to the allegations regarding her nose job.
It may be recalled that when Priyanka was recently trolled or showing her legs during her meeting with PM Modi, she shot back by sharing yet another scintillating pic flaunting her toned legs. As her ‘Nose’ and the alleged ‘Nose job’ is the topic of discussion, we need to see how she retorts this time. Priyanka’s ardent fans wonder if the former Miss World really needs a plastic surgery now.
In a related incident, when Shruti Haasan was recently slammed for undergoing ‘Lip job’, she strongly replied, ‘My body, my face, nobody’s business’.