Reports have emerged recently that Kajal Aggarwal has been approached for the remake of hit Bollywood film ‘Queen’ after Tamannah was sidelined for quoting exorbitant remuneration. Now, it is heard that Anushka aka Devasena of Baahubali could have become the Queen since she was approached for this remake before Tamannah’s name cropped up makers’ mind.
Anushka reportedly turned down the remake of ‘Queen’ citing that she wouldn’t want to indulge in unnecessary comparisons with Kangana Ranaut, who played the lead role in Hindi version. Only after Anushka had turned down the remake, makers started looking for alternatives, and Tamanna, the Avanthika of Baahubali franchise was approached.
On the other hand, Anushka will be next seen in ‘Bhagmathi’ and Prabhas’ ‘Saaho’. After playing performance oriented, heroine-centric and larger than life characters in a series of promising films, Anushka is speculated to be back to her sexy avatar in ‘Saaho’.
Fans have been dying to see Anushka in a sexy character on par with the one she had essayed in ‘Billa’, and their dream may come true with Saaho.