Bollywood box office behemoth Salman Khan, who is known for his inimitable wit, has made a comment on Aamir Khan’s third marriage at a time when rumors are rife in film circles that the ‘Dangal’ star has fallen for his on-screen daughter, Fatima Sana Shaikh.
Going into chronological order of events, when Aamir was recently asked about his good friend and fellow superstar Salman Khan’s marriage, he said that he would tie Salman’s hands and feet someday in order to get him married.
During a recent media interaction, when Salman was informed about Aamir’s statement, the “Dabangg” star had a witty response. He retorted that he has also decided to tie Aamir’s hands and feet in order not to let him get married a third time.
Salman may have made the comment about Aamir’s third marriage in a lighter manner but the timing is wrong. There are already rumors spread in film circles about Aamir’s alleged closeness to Fatima Sana Shaikh. Isn’t Salman’s statement enough for rumormongers to spread speculations about Aamir’s third marriage with Fatima?
Aamir was married to Reena Dutt from 1986 to 2002. Later, he married Kiran Rao in 2005.