A couple of weeks ago, leading Telugu director SS Rajamouli explained about his fallout with mega producer Allu Arvind. He stated that Magadheera’s 100 days centres list was faked for the sake of fans and he didn’t like it. But that went in two ways. Is Rajamouli against faking centres? Or against publishing that equation of x-days in y-centres?
Other day it happens to be a stunning poster from Baahubali 2 makers that led cine folks into discussions yet again about Rajamouli. “50 Days In 1050 Centres (in India)” is what the bold and bigger caption on the latest poster of “Baahubali 2” reads. And that led to discussions about what Rajamouli is preaching and what he’s actually practising.
In case if Rajamouli wants to say that he has got printed only ‘genuine’ number of centres on the posters of Baahubali 2, then he should also give a proof that these centres are not faked, says many cinema lovers. In fact, there is no mechanism that could make anyone believe that a film has genuinely run for that particular number of days in that particular theatre. So how would now Rajamouli make anyone believe that his list of 1050 theatres is genuine is something we have to wait and see.
On the other side, the stunning collections of Baahubali2 from the box office, in fact, prove that the film is genuinely running in the said number of centres.