A day after news went wide about the biopic film on legendary actor-cum-politico NTR, with Balakrishna as lead and Ram Gopal Varma as its director, AP IT Minister and Balakrishna’s son-in-law Nara Lokesh has offered his comment on it, while speaking to media this afternoon. And he also made an interesting revelation about director of the film.
The young politician of AP said that he and Balakrishna had brainstorming discussion and reached a conclusion about this biopic in Portugal recently, where the actor is busy filming for Puri Jagannath’s ‘Paisa Vasool’. ‘I think Mamayya garu (Balakrishna) will be able to do complete justice for NTR role and he can pull it off quite effortlessly,’ said the national in-charge of Telugu Desham party.
Nara Lokesh, who was asked about the project being directed by RGV, exuded confidence in the project irrespective of who the filmmaker is. ‘We have not yet finalized on the director, but I’m very sure that it will be a sure shot hit with any filmmaker at helm.’
Although several filmmakers of Tollywood are in the race to make a biopic on Sr NTR, Ram Gopal Varma had been projected by media after the filmmaker released a video clip on NTR with his vocals glorifying the legacy of legendary Telugu person. Now that Lokesh unleashed that fact that RGV is not yet finalized, fans and audiences are waiting to listen about it from officially.