Young Telugu film hero Aadi forayed into Tollywood as the heir of Saikumar. Five years after his debut, amidst a streak of flops, the actor has now opted for a name change.
Although Aadi’s first two films performed decently, he has delivered only flops ever since. The young actor will be next seen in July 14 release, Samanthakamani. From this film onwards, his name in title credits will not be displayed as Aadi but ‘Aadi Saikumar’. The actor himself has confirmed opting for a name change.
Before you jump into conclusion that he may have decided to add his ‘famous’ father’s name beside his in order to gain popularity across Southern film industries or in his bid not to get confused with the likes of Aadi Pinisetty, Hyper Aadi etc., here is the reason divulged by the actor.
‘Sriram Aditya, director of Samanthakamani used to tease me saying that my name was the shortest among all the actors of our film. Then I suggested him to add my father’s name to my name. ‘Aadi Saikumar’, I liked this new name and hence decided to keep my father’s name beside mine,’ Aadi revealed.
The young hero is hopeful of returning to success with Samanthakamani.