Ram Charan has won the hearts of mega fans with his impressive speech at the audio launch of Darshakudu. Looking upto cheering fans, Charan thanked each and every fan name by name and said all that he enjoy is because of fans who keep supporting him and his directors, his well-wishers. Charan said fans should clap for themselves for their unconditional love, support.
When fans shouted ‘Babayi’, ‘Babayi’, Charan said, “Babayi…we don’t talk about people we love daily. Right? Do we talk about our mother daily? Her company itself is more than enough. My family is more in my heart and little in my words.” Fans screamed and enjoyed as Charan continued. Usually tagged as reticent, non-firendly Charan opened up and spoke at length a the do – topics ranging from his family to the directors he worked to the recent films that he loved.
Talking about Darshakudu, Charan recalled that two great Telugu directors – Dasari Narayana Rao and K Raghavendra Rao come to his mind whenever he hears the word Darshakudu. Charan added that they are a great source of inspiration and said Sukumar is his favourite director. He said he has made him friendly in just 10 minutes whereas usually he takes a week or hours to bond with director.
Surprisingly, Charan said that he and his whole family enjoyed the recent film Ami Tumi and Pelli Choopulu. He wished both the directors from the stage. Charan credited his success to all the directors he worked with him till date. “Dad gave me a platform. But I owe my success to the directors because whom I’ve come a long way,” said Charan concluding his heartening speech by wishing the film’s producer Sukumar for success.