After questioning director Puri Jagannath and cinematographer Shayam K Naidu in the last two days in drugs case, the SIT officials will be interrogating actor Subbaraju today.
The probe team has prepared a list of about 20-odd questions just like they had done in the case of Puri and Naidu to extract information from them. Questions like how he receive drugs from Kelvin, whether Puri supply drugs to him and other friends in film industry, how long has he been consuming drugs etc. will reportedly be asked.
When his name first surfaced in the case, Subbaraju responded and said that he had never used drugs. He added that he even doesn’t use English medicines.
Meanwhile, reports are emerging that Shyam K Naidu has revealed about Puri’s drug addiction to SIT officials, and also spilled so much vital information that the officials are planning to add him as an ‘Approver’ in the case.