Director of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) on Friday has busted a huge drug scandal on the outskirts of Hyderabad. Searches have been conducted at four locations in Medak and Nalgonda Districts based on specific information. Manufacturing of Alprazolam, which is meant to increase the kick and intoxication level, is being done here. Over 600 kilos of narcotic substance at different stages of manufacture was seized. About 18.55 kgs out of it is in the final stage. The market value of the seized drug could be not less than Rs 7.5 crore. This is for the first time DRI has seized such huge quantity of Drugs.
DRI seized a drugs under the provisions of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act 1985. 2 Reactors, 1 Dryer and 1 Centrifuge were also recovered during the raid.
Investigative Sleuths are conducting an inquiry to know – To which company does this lab belongs to? What kind of other drugs were prepared here? It’s been found that premises of a factory located in Nalgonda District was taken on lease to manufacture the drugs. Cops identified four people involved in the illegal manufacturing of Alprazolam.