Even after the debacle of Brahmotsavam, Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Spyder continues to attract the trade. After the theatrical rights of its Tamil version were sold to Lyca Productions for 25 Crore, the film’s overseas rights (both Telugu and Tamil) are being sold around Rs 15.5 Crore. Atmus and AZ India is digging deep into its pockets to bag the rights. It is learnt that the deal is almost confirmed and paperwork is due.
Earlier, Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotsavam (Telugu alone) was sold for Rs 13.5 Crore (non-returnable) in US. Although the film tanked without a trace incurring hefty losses to its US distributor, this seems to have a least effect on Spyder’s overseas business. Mahesh and ARM’s combo is said to be what attracting the trade. Meanwhile, the Rest of World business of Spyder reportedly fetched nearly 7.5 Crore, making it the second-highest costly film in the US after Baahubali : The Conclusion.
As per the latest tax system in the US, Spyder has to gross over 5 Million USD for the break-even and more than 5 Million USD to get profits. This is a big challenge for Mahesh. So far, Mahesh holds record for having highest number of films of him that crossed 1 Million USD mark and has been considered as Overseas King. But this time, it is not going to be easy for Mahesh.