Admitting that reviews and publicity were weak for the film, director Sampath Nanda turned emotional at the success meet of his recently released film Gautham Nanda that was held on Thursday in Hyderabad. However, Sampath thanked audience for ‘accepting’ the film and ‘showering collections’.
“Frankly speaking, reviews and publicity were weak. But still audiences accepted the film and showered their love. Good Collections proved it. I reiterate that Gautham Nanda is the best story in my career till date. I standby on it. Two people whom I see as my idols have appreciated the film as my best work so far. Even I got some heart-touching messages from a few audiences which moved me. As I writer, director what else could I expect?”
“After movie is released, I didn’t get calls from industry people till evening. Probably because of the talk. But the calls slowly started ringing from 4 PM on wards and many from industry have made the calls,” divulged Sampath.
Sampath Nandi went onto say that how his father liked the film very much. “My dad said that Gautham Nanda is my best work. He liked the way I dealt the subject of money and the message I gave. He is quite impressed with it.” Sampath also said that he got a message from a girl who told him that she decided to gift a bike to her mother after watching the film.