Sushma Swaraj, Union Minister for External Affairs has always been active on twitter responding to the problems of the people. She has been widely applauded for her quick response and her co-ordination with her team for a quick result. She is said to have rescued many after they have pledged her through twitter.
Sushma helped 24-year old Osama Ali with a VISA who has been diagnosed with liver tumour. Now a guy named Vishal Surywanshi seeked Sushma Swaraj’s help asking her to rescue from the movie Jab Hary Met Sejjal. He said that he watching the film featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma in Pune. He asked her to rescue him as soon as possible.
This tweet has been trending across the twitter circles. Jab Hary Met Sejjal which has been directed by Imtiaz Ali has been declared as a debacle which released last Friday.