Congress Rajya Sabha MP Chiranjeevi has smartly escaped from a major embarrassment. Apparently, Chiru was asked to campaign for the Congress candidate in Nandyal by-election. High-pressure from the brass of Congress was reportedly put on Chiranjeevi to rally for the party and its candidate Abdul Khadar in the by-poll.
Despite several attempts, Chiru said to have gently turned down and smartly escaped from the ‘failure’. It is common knowledge by now that the major battle is between TDP’s Bhuma Brahmananda Reddy and YSRCP’s Silpa Mohan Reddy.
While TDP Ministers such as Nara Lokesh, Bhuma Akhila Priya are already campaigning, Hindupur MLA and actor Nandamuri Balakrishna is going to join the campaign in Nandyal in a few days. While YSRCP is banking on Jagan, Roja and a few other leaders, TDP is going all out to woo the voters.
Amidst this, Chiru has managed to avoid unnecessary embarrassment. It can be noted that Congress has downsized to zero in AP Assembly. People have rejected the party after its unilateral bifurcation of the state.
By-election is facilitated after sitting MLA Bhuma Nagi Reddy died of cardiac arrest. Although Bhuma had won 2014 elections from YSRCP ticket, later, he had switched to TDP. Hence, the by-poll turned interesting.