Young actor Sundeep Kishan has done promising roles however none of his recent movies tasted commercial success. His recent outing Nakshatram has been declared as a debacle however his performance has been getting standing ovation from the audience all over. The latest update says that Sundeep Kishan is all set to team up with veteran director Gautham Menon.
Sundeep Kishan is already shooting for Nagasooran which is helmed by Karthick Naren and is produced by Gautham Menon. The veteran director is said to have been impressed with Sundeep Kishan’s acting skills and his choice of script selection. The duo is said to soon team up for a bilingual which will start rolling soon.
Sundeep Kishan wrapped up the shoot of C/O Surya in the direction of Suseenthiran and is busy shooting for a Bollywood film in the direction of Kunal Kohli along with Tamannaah.