Beautiful actress Kajal Agarwal has been packed with back to back schedules of various films. Despite of her busy schedules, the actress dedicated her time to shoot for a short film which has been directed by Kussh Sinha, brother of actress Sonakshi Sinha. The short film has been released recently and it has been getting wide response from the audience.
Titled ‘Khoon Mein Hai’, Kajal plays a young girl who goes on a blind date which her would be groom. He keeps boasting about his family which doesn’t go with the young girl after which she asks him if he ever donated his great blood. Tipped with a strong message, the short film is now trending all over.
The actress is eagerly waiting for the release of her next movie Nene Raju Nene Mantri which features Rana Daggubati in the lead roles. Teja directed this political thriller which has been bankrolled by Suresh Productions.