Mike Kamminga, the name has become a household word now in Telugu states, with this Netherlands national being named as one of the drug peddlers who supplied drugs to Tollywood biggies. Despite various reports coming out in media that he’s involved in supplying to various noted Telugu celebs, his wife Mary says, it’s a case of mistaken identity.
Giving full marks, 100/100, to her husband Mike, she says, “When we are not at home that day, Excise officials have come to our house and later when we are back, they said that drugs were found at our place. That’s quite wrong. My husband is innocent and his colleagues love him a lot. He’s never into either doing drugs or selling them”. Also, Mary added that they have started a Facebook Page, “Get Mikey Out”, where Mike’s mother and other family members also posting videos to seek his release.
Mike, 33-year-old, software engineer always loved Hyderabad as his wife says and wanted to raise their kids here in the city. Mary wanted the officials to clear her husband’s name as soon as possible such that their life will come to normalcy.
However, Excise officials who produced Kamminga in court other day stated that he’s very much involved in narcotics and covered all his tracks well. “We have to catch him a month earlier, but never thought he’s a big fish. As we delayed raiding on him, he has sold all the contraband and took care of not leaving evidence” an official commented under the condition of anonymity.