Hansika Motwani, who turned 26 on Wednesday, celebrated her birthday in Mumbai with the 32 orphan kids she adopted so far. Every year, Hansika adopts a parent-less child and takes care of their education and health.
While her fans and friends flooded social media with their wishes, Hansika silently celebrated her birthday with orphan kids just like every year. Apart of adopting the kids, she also provides financial assistance to those who are suffering with breast cancer and can’t afford money.
Hansika said she loves to spend her time with those kids on every birthday and that makes her happy. ‘My mother always taught me how to behave with others and pushed towards charity work.’ said bubbly actress by adding ‘I am still the mommy’s girl.’
Besides Hansika Motwani, there’re several actresses who still hold the ‘mommy’s girl’ tag including Priyanka Chopra and Kajal Aggarwal. These moms also schedule their daughters’ call sheet and act as managers.
On the work-front, the gorgeous beauty is shooting for a Malayalam film and a Tamil film as well. She is also in rumors to star in Sundar C’s Sangamithra, a film that was turned down by Shruti Haasan.